Sunday 18 December 2011

Going down south...

Going down south at 168lbs...Not the best idea. I feel so ashamed really. Ashamed that I didn't work out as promised. Ashamed that I bought a bunch of unhealthy stuff to eat.

I obviously do it to myself.
Why didn't I just work out?

I'm terrified of looking back at my wedding pictures and seeing the fat bride I will be in 10 days.
Fat and gross.
Fat and unattractive.

Worst day ever was certainly when I tried on those bathing suits. FUCK! Did I ever look like hell!!!!
I hope I can enjoy my vacation and not focus on how I look like. I need to do something about it. And I promise myself (again) I will lose the weight I need to lose in 2012. I will be the confident woman I was a few years okay. I need to.
